
Sand Blasting

At Northland Custom Ironworks, we provide sandblasting and painting services done by industry professionals. With the harsh Minnesota winter most industrial equipment, trailers, automobiles, boats, motorcycles, etc. experience rust damage, paint chipping, and need to be refinished. That is where we come in. Our sandblaster removes rust and paint allowing for us to make sure we have a solid base to recoat and repaint extending the life of the product. 


We can sandblast and plastic media blast the following materials:

  • Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Fiberglass
  • Other materials

Our Specialty:

  • New Fabricated Weldments
  • Automobiles
  • Industrial Equipment 
  • Aluminum Boats
  • Motorcycles
  • Collectible Vehicles

We are a small shop with big capabilities.

Contact us to request a quote.